Looking Back on Our Top Five Stories From 2020 – Driven By You

Looking Back on Our Top Five Stories From 2020

We’ve shared many great stories this year about our incredible team members, professional drivers, guests and everything in between. These stories from around the country show how everyone has made the best out of a tough year.

We hope these stories have made you smile, laugh or just made your day a little bit brighter. They did ours!

From a baby being born at one of our travel centers to the amazing road warriors keeping America moving to thoughtful gestures done by team members and guests, this year has been anything but ordinary.

Here are our top five stories of 2020:

1. Thank You, Team Members

Our team members have gone above and beyond during a challenging year. To thank them for their hard work, store team members received thank you pay, free meals, an emergency pay plan and a manager bonus.

2. A Thoughtful Gesture of Thanks for Pro Drivers; Guest Says, “We All Need to Do Our Part”

A mom and her son showed their appreciation for professional drivers by buying 20 gift cards and having our store team members hand them out. The drivers and our team members were moved by their generosity and kindness.

3. A Special Delivery: Baby Born at Pilot Travel Center

Not very often do we get a delivery as special as this one. On March 28th, Jordan and Katherine Novick had their baby boy at our Pilot Travel Center in Greenfield, Indiana. Our team members were happy to help the new parents and celebrated the birth of Stephen Jordan Novick Jr.

4. Thank a Pro Driver: How the Trucking Industry Keeps Moving Amid Coronavirus Closures

America wouldn’t have kept moving during the COVID-19 pandemic without the hard work and dedication from professional drivers. Not only are these road warriors providing supplies for millions across the country, they are providing hope.

5. A Salute to Service this Veterans Day

We are very grateful for veterans and celebrated them with a free breakfast combo on Veteran’s Day to thank them for their service. We are incredibly lucky to have many veteran guests and team members and caught up with a veteran guest that visits our store for a daily coffee break.

We’d like to thank our team members and guests for an unforgettable year and for going above and beyond. We’ll see you in 2021 with more great stories. Happy New Year!

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