Thanking Our Veteran Team Members

We are very fortunate to have many team members that are veterans. They spent years serving our country and now they are helping fuel life’s journeys for millions of people every day with us.

Their service made them stronger people – and they make us a stronger company.

We are saluting those who have served. We recognize that after service, many veterans find it challenging to find quality jobs. We are proud and thankful to have many veterans on our team.

Founded by a veteran, patriotism and appreciation for the sacrifice of our country’s service men and women has always run deep in our culture.

We asked a few of our veteran men and women, who are also featured in the video, about their experience in the service and at Pilot Flying J:

James A. Haslam II

Mr. Haslam served in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, where he became a 1st Lieutenant. During his time serving, he learned that the most important duty was to take care of the soldiers under his command.

“Veterans Day is a great way to honor those brave men and women who have made, and continue to make, our freedom possible,” said Mr. Haslam.

Erin Tanner

Erin served in the Navy for eight years. She has been a team member for a year and works in recruiting. Erin gives credit to the Navy for learning the importance and value of having your shipmates’ back and working as a team. “Veterans Day is a day to remember those who chose to be a part of something bigger and the sacrifices that were made in the process,” said Tanner.

Jeff Watson

Jeff served in the Air Force for 26 years. He started with us in January 2012 and is now a Facility Service Technicians Manager. Jeff feels a lot of pride on Veterans Day because he knows he has given his best for his country. He says there is more to life than yourself and he would do it all over again, 10 times.

Kera Porter

Kera served in the Army for six and half years. She became a team member in August 2012 and is a Senior Information Security Engineer. During her time serving, Kera learned a lot about team work and uses that in her work at PFJ. When asked what Veterans Day means to Kera, she says the day reminds her of the quote, “The true solider fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him.”

Kyle Mowers

Kyle served in the United States Marine Corps for four years. He joined PFJ in 2016 and is now a Guest Service Leader. One of Kyle’s biggest takeaways from serving is to staying humble since he saw that many countries do not have many of the things that we do. Veterans Day to Kyle is a time to be thankful for the individuals that are willing to volunteer their lives to making the United States a safe place to call home.

Thank you to our veteran team members and all of those that have served our country.

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