The Little Choices Make All the Difference


As a health champion for Pilot Flying J, I speak to a lot of drivers. I spend time in Pilot and Flying J stores, sharing stories with people about their experiences on the road, and those conversations never fail to inspire me. Whether they’re professional drivers who have been on the road their entire lives, road trippers who are traveling across the country or someone stopping to grab a morning cup of coffee on their way into work, everyone has their own unique experience of what being healthy on the road means.

Yesterday, I had the opportunity to spend time at the Pilot store in Ottawa Lake, Michigan, to celebrate the launch of Travel Well. I arrived at the store, set up the life-size, standup banner of myself, pre-Biggest Loser, and opened the floor to questions about how to be healthier on the road.

As I chatted with visitors, I observed the activities throughout the store. I noticed Bree, the cashier, ringing up customers with a beaming smile on her face. I watched the store manager, Michelle, chatting with customers and tidying up the store to make sure drivers walk into a clean, inviting space. Tim, the assistant manager, helped a customer find an item they had specifically stopped in to purchase.

Standing and watching the buzz of the store, I realized it’s truly the small things that make an experience enjoyable. This idea rang true again as I began a conversation with Carl, a customer who has been a professional driver for 30 years. He reminded me it’s the little things that set us up for accomplishing goals we create for ourselves.

Carl, who is fit and has been his entire career, shared a few things he’s done consistently over the years. Each time his truck is being loaded or unloaded, he uses that half an hour or so to get in some walking while chatting with his family on the phone. He said he has done this his entire professional driving career and believes the simple routine has helped him stay fit and healthy. He was inspired to take up this habit by reminding himself early on that when he reaches retirement he wants to fully enjoy it with his wife, children and grandchildren. Walking regularly is a small task that has made a big impact on Carl’s health and life.

Carl’s diligent commitment to a simple, healthy habit can inspire all of us to make the most of what we have available. Sneaking in a few minutes of exercise is achievable when we make time for it. Just as enjoying healthy snacks becomes easier when you incorporate it into your lifestyle.

Travel Well is all about the little things that make our travel experiences more enjoyable. Things like picking up a piece of fresh fruit while you stop to fuel your vehicle, or like taking a short walk to stretch your muscles to keep them healthy and toned.

As I said before, I’m always inspired by the little choices people make when traveling that improve and maintain their health. Those things also help keep me inspired to continue on my own journey. What’s your favorite on-the-road health tip? Share it on Facebook and Twitter with #PFJTravelWell to give us all a little inspiration.

2017 Pilot Travel Centers LLC.  All Rights Reserved


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