Thank a Pro Driver: How the Trucking Industry Keeps Moving Amid Coronavirus Closures – Driven By You

Thank a Pro Driver: How the Trucking Industry Keeps Moving Amid Coronavirus Closures

There are approximately 3.5 million professional truck drivers in the United States, according to the American Trucking Associations. While millions of people around the country are sheltering in their homes, these professional drivers are hard at work, hauling much needed supplies to grocery stores and medical facilities.

At a time with a lot of uncertainty, drivers are delivering much more than goods, they are providing hope. Every load delivered is another shelf stocked, another business supplied and another family able to buy the groceries they need. It’s important to recognize the role professional drivers play in our economy each and every day. Today though, we want to say an extra thank you.

Many drivers are stepping up to go above and beyond to keep us supplied with the essentials we need to survive. We can’t thank these unsung heroes enough for their dedication and want to recognize them by sharing some of their stories.

Martha Brenes

“It’s a strange time to be on the road right now, but the roads are clear, the coffee is hot and I’ve never been more proud to be a truck driver. So many people are in need of supplies and I feel blessed to be in a position to help. We appreciate all of the precautions and safe practices Pilot Flying J is taking to keep us safe and moving. Keep America rolling!”





Terry, Fraley and Schilling

Terry has been a driver more than 30 years. Recently he told us, “Now more than ever, it makes me realize how much of an honor and a privilege being a truck driver really is. It is truly a blessing to have the ability to help all Americans in their time of need.”






Pete Holmes, Fraley and Schilling

Many of the team members working to keep the drivers on the road, such as Pete Holmes from Fraley and Schilling, have also expressed their appreciation for drivers.

“During this time of unrest and uncertainty with this pandemic, our trucking industry continues to move us forward,” said Pete. “These men and women are out on our nation’s highways night and day moving, working to keep our essential needs taken care of. They are making sacrifices with their home time to stay out and complete their 34 hour resets in rest areas, travel plazas, and at the Pilot Flying J Travel Centers across America.”

There’s a saying, ‘The Hands that Shift the gears, Move the World.’ Drivers keep doing their part and they are on the move, than you drivers.”

Diane, RRR Transportation

Diane has been a driver for more than 8 years, as a team along with her husband. She is incredibly proud to be bringing necessary goods and supplies to those on the front lines during this challenging time. “Drivers and everyone in the transportation industry are superheroes in my eyes,” says Diane. “I hope seeing our trucks still rolling brings comfort to people and they realize help is on the way.”





Phil, J.B. Hunt

Phil has been on the road as a professional trucker for 35 years and is a five million safe-mile driver. “Trucking is important,” he says. “If the U.S. was a body, trucks would be their bloodline.”






Thank you Martha, Diane, Terry, Phil, and all the other professional drivers out there that are doing everything to help our communities during this critical time.  You are our superheroes for taking care of the needs of North America!