Pilot Company Internship: A Day in the Life of an Intern

We’re entering the last week of our internship program here at Pilot – it’s hard to believe that it’s almost over! Last week our interns presented their final projects and absolutely crushed it. Before they graduate this week, we asked them a few questions about what their daily routines look like. Follow along below!

For many of our interns, this summer at Pilot has been their first taste of the 9-to-5 life. After getting out of bed and stumbling to the kitchen, they’re ready for a cup of ambition! A little caffeine can make all the difference. Here’s the breakdown of what our interns typically choose to fuel up with before heading out for the day:

Everyone has their own morning ritual when they first get into the office. Most of our interns use those first few minutes organizing themselves for the day, while a third of the group spend it connecting with their fellow team members. And then there’s some who need another kick of caffeine!

Now it’s time to get to work. With over 40 departments represented in this year’s program, each intern’s list of responsibilities changes day to day as they explore different areas of the company. When asked what takes up most of their days, this is how it broke down:

For most respondents, the part of the day that they enjoy the most is the people:

“Collaborating with my team and learning new things every day!”

“I look forward to meetings that let me learn a greater context of the business/category teams.”

“I love my coworkers. They’re fantastic people and they’re so passionate about what they do.”

“Networking with new people from other departments and learning about my field of study.”

Before they know it, it’s time to take a break for lunch. While many bring food from home, a very popular option at the Knoxville office is the on-site cafeteria, PJ Fresh Café! It’s a great place for team members to grab a quick bite for breakfast and lunch. One intern has their café order down to a science:

“Two slices of pizza, a water bottle, and a cup of lemonade. The chicken bacon ranch pizza on Mondays is my favorite.”

Our team members make sure to carve out time to connect with each other and have some fun during the day. Here are some team activities that our interns have enjoyed this summer:

“My department hosts cook outs at least once a month. They also do lunches throughout the month with open invites to all teams.”

“When it’s somebody’s birthday, we gather in the break room and have cake. We celebrate and play ice breaker games.’”

“Golf outings!”

At the Knoxville campus, we’re lucky to have a beautiful campus with lots of greenery and a walking trail that loops around the parking lots. Many team members walk the loop to take a brain break and get a little exercise. Some teams even coordinate their own department walks!


We want our interns to know that their work contributes to something purposeful at Pilot – whether it’s creating a new system to file paperwork or helping wrap up a big summer campaign. Here are a few examples of what makes our interns feel accomplished at the end of the day:

“Knowing I learned something new.”

“Looking at the progress I’ve made on different projects.”

“Being able to come up with a solution to a problem.”

“Checking things off my daily to-do list.”

Once five o’clock hits, it’s time to wrap up work and head home. After a full day of learning, collaborating, and creating, here’s how a few of our interns choose to relax and recharge:

“I like to catch a movie after work!”

“I find cooking very relaxing, so I enjoy making dinner every night.”

“I hang out with my friends and take my dog on a walk.”

“I unwind by spending time with my family.”

Thanks for reading! Stay tuned for next week’s final intern blog, where we’ll recap our National Intern Day celebration.

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