Our Team Members Share Why They Support the American Heart Association

In honor of American Heart Month, we are joining companies across the country in support of the American Heart Association’s “Life is Why We Give™” campaign. We value the importance of heart health and healthy lifestyles for our team members and guests, and are honored to share some of the reasons why our team members are motivated to live a healthier tomorrow.

Team Member: Kelly Gross
Store 258 in Troutville, Virginia

In 2014, at the age of 41, Kelly had her first heart attack. Although she had been on high blood pressure medication for years and had a family history of heart disease, she never thought it would happen to her. Kelly was able to recover from her surgery with the support of her five children and husband, who is also a Team Member. In 2016, Kelly had to have two stents put in and was diagnosed with cardiovascular disease and arterial cirrhosis. She has stopped smoking, lost weight, changed her diet and started exercising regularly.

“Years of bad habits and genetics caught up with me. Lifestyle changes are hard. It is very easy to fall right back into the same patterns of comfort you once had. That is an everyday challenge. Every day is a fresh start and gift. I have learned to really enjoy every moment good or bad. There is great value in time and I plan on spending every second wisely.”

Team Member: Hannah Lewis
Store 481 in Cleveland, Tennessee

Hannah’s son Bennett was born with a rare, critical heart defect known as Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome, meaning he only has half of his heart. Congenital Heart Defect (disease) is the number one killer in children, and 1 in 100 babies will be born with a heart defect.

Currently five years old, Bennett has undergone five open heart surgeries, and he needs two more major heart surgeries to have a chance to live a long life. Due to several complications, Bennett cannot walk or eat and has very little vocabulary. Despite this, he is in school and is the happiest child given all he’s been through.

In the photo (above), Bennett is holding his “Beads of Courage”—each bead represents heart surgeries, cardiac arrest, getting poked for bloodwork, chest x-rays, being on a ventilator, etc.

“He will always be my hero and I will always be his biggest fan.”

Team Member: Jeff Bowling
Former Lead Driver in Alabama

A truck driver with 35 years of experience, Jeff was 59 years old when he began his battle with heart disease. During his time as a driver, Jeff became a diabetic, smoked and was overweight. While unloading fuel at a location in 2015, Jeff had trouble catching his breath and did not feel right. After visiting the doctor, Jeff learned only 20% of his heart was functioning and has since had a pacemaker and a defibrillator implanted. Now, Jeff attends a Cardio Rehab program, eats healthier, does not smoke and has lost weight. With all of this and his medication, his heart is up to 45%.

“I have to take a lot of medications and they are very expensive, but it keeps me with my family for another day. You are told to take care of yourself and do better with your health and I wish every day that I would have listened years ago because in the blink of an eye things can change. Now I am 62 and feel better but I will never be where I was and I will always have to take medication and hopefully be able to exercise to keep on with life with my family a little longer.”

Team Member: Eugene Myers
Store 671 in Matthews, Missouri

In 2008, at 38 years old, Eugene experienced chest pains and went to his doctor. He was referred to a cardiologist and learned he had three blockages in his heart. He underwent triple bypass surgery. During surgery, doctors discovered Eugene has a congenital heart defect and was born without a portion of his left coronary artery. They made one for him, and aside from having a stent in 2015, Eugene has not any further issues.

“It changed my life completely, especially eating habits and exercise.”

Team Member: Shelly Ruetsche
Store 174 in New Albany, Mississippi

At the age of 53, Shelly recently had a small stroke due to 95% blockage in her cardiac artery. This was caused by her 38 year-long habit of smoking. Last year, Shelly had surgery to remove the blockage and has been smoke free for one year and six months.

“I have so much more energy and I am not short of breathe as often as before.”


Team Member: Dave Stewart
Store 645 in Pontoon Beach, Illinois

Seven years ago, Dave first encountered heart disease. An avid runner, cyclist and basketball player, he experienced chest pains during a normal run. Dave went to see his doctor, learned he had a major blockage and had his first stent put in. He continued to exercise and changed his diet, but two years later he had a second stent put in after experiencing the same chest pains. In August 2017, Dave was running in a 5K race and started to not feel well. He again visited his cardiologist who delivered the news that Dave needed open heart surgery and a triple bypass. Dave is doing well since the surgery and getting back into physical shape. He has a large family history of heart disease.

“I can tell you when you are like me and don’t look like you would have a heart condition and genetics plays the biggest part, don’t under estimate your diet It will all be worth it in the end. You can help prevent it or at least slow it down if you take the proper steps through diet and exercise!”

Team Member: Michele Brackett
Sales and Support Center in Knoxville, Tennessee

Michele has a vast family history of heart disease. Her grandfather passed away from a heart attack in 1977. Since, she has had two uncles, an aunt and her mother battle heart disease. Through her family’s experience, she has learned the value of eating healthy and being active.

“I am passionate about a healthy lifestyle. I constantly push myself and try to impress on others the importance of changing lifestyle habits to create a better life for them and their families.”

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