Staying Healthy on the Road: Tips From American Heart Association – Driven By You

Staying Healthy on the Road: Tips From American Heart Association

American Heart Association’s Life is Why™ campaign is back in our stores and we are excited to join the fight against heart disease and stroke during American heart month.

We know staying active and making healthy choices can be difficult when you’re on the road, so we reached out to American Heart Association to see what tips they have to keep you fueled and healthy during your travels.

Tips from American Heart Association:

Travel can be tough on healthy habits. Often time when you are traveling, you eat whatever you want (which can be a lot) and do whatever you want (which is often nothing at all).

Why not maintain your healthy mindset while traveling instead of undoing the hard work you put in all year long? Let’s look at some ways to take care of your body (and mind) while on the road.

Move More

A simple tip: Move More. Easier said than done but here are some easy tips to incorporate:

  • Park further away from the store when you make a stop
  • Take a walk around the building (or a few!)
  • Get out and stretch your legs
  • Incorporate the kids to get the family’s blood pumping- run in place for 30 seconds, do 20 lunges outside your car, do jumping jacks for 30 seconds, or even our most favorite: have a dance party in the parking lot for one minute (we are sure the people beside you won’t mind!)

Be Well

It’s not just the body, but also the mind that needs attention while traveling. Use the opportunity when you’re away from home to focus on your mental health.

  • Take time to breathe. Traveling can be stressful- at each stop take a deep breath and meditate for a few minutes or take a stretch break
  • Listen to music that brings your happiness and raises your spirits
  • Stay grateful. Appreciate the opportunity to experience life away from home and enjoy the delight of a simply being in a new place.

Eat Smart

Choose healthier options when thinking of snacks on the road. Some ideas for you to grab:

  • Water
  • Flavored or Sparkling Water
  • Unsalted Nuts
  • Veggie and Hummus Cup
  • Fresh Fruit or Fruit Cup
  • Protein Bar
  • Pistachios
  • Cheese Stick

Throughout American heart month, look for deals in the Pilot Flying J app on favorite heart healthy snacks, like Perfect Bars, Think Jerky, RX Bars, Wonderful Pistachios, KIND Bars, Chobani Yogurt, cheeses, freshly prepared fruit and protein cups, bottled water and Pilot Coffee to keep you fueled.

Don’t let your departure from home be a departure from good habits. That way, you can be healthy for good wherever you are!

Check out our last blog to see how we’re celebrating American heart month in our stores and our team members’ amazing heart stories.

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