Season of Giving Back: Hauliday Giveaway – Driven By You

Season of Giving Back: Hauliday Giveaway

It’s the most wonderful time of the year for a giveaway!

Our Hauliday Giveaway is back and ready to reward drivers in a big way. It’s the season of giving and we are excited to give away prizes to professional drivers for their continuous hard work in the industry.

Head over to our Pilot Flying J Facebook from now until December 12th and answer the holiday themed question of the day in the comments to be entered in the giveaway prize of the day. Check out one of the latest prizes:


Eight drivers have already won great prizes like Bluetooth sets, Pilot Flying J gift cards, radios and more. Each day a winner will be selected from the comments on that day’s post.

Here are a few of the great comments that have won so far:

The giveaway is not over yet, so don’t lose your chance to win a great prize. Happy haulidays, drivers!

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