Professional Driver Survives Arctic Blast – Driven By You

Professional Driver Survives Arctic Blast

Thank goodness for smart phone voice commands.

Professional driver Tim Rutledge, of Orlando, Fla., was transporting a load to Indiana when he drove through a snowstorm January 6.

Driving in temperatures of 42 degrees below zero with the wind chill, Rutledge’s brakes froze. He pulled into a Pilot Travel Center to fix his brakes. He crawled under the truck, which unexpectedly shifted on the ice and trapped him underneath.

Rutledge’s frantic wife began to call him because it was unusual that she had not heard from him. The phone vibrated out of his pocket where he was able to activate the voice commands and call his supervisor for help.

Because of the large amount of trucks seeking shelter, growing snowdrifts, howling winds and blinding snow, Rutledge was not visible under the truck. After surviving eight hours trapped under the truck in arctic temperatures, rescue teams freed Rutledge and rushed him to a hospital where he has since made a full recovery.

We applaud manager Cathy Taylor’s quick action to contact emergency personnel upon notification that the driver was trapped under his vehicle on the travel center property. The team members on site acted with speed and professionalism in accordance with their training.

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