National Human Trafficking Awareness Day – Driven By You

National Human Trafficking Awareness Day

Saturday is National Human Trafficking Awareness Day, and we are partnering with Truckers Against Human Trafficking to put a stop to this atrocity.

human-traffickingHuman trafficking is a term for modern-day slavery. It’s a $32-billion worldwide industry enslaving more than 20.9 million, with hundreds of thousands enslaved in the United States alone.

Modern-day slavery is most often seen in the form of forced labor or commercial sex. Many of these victims are hidden in plain sight — and you can help.

Professional drivers are invaluable in the fight against human trafficking. As the eyes and ears of our highways, you are in a unique position to make a difference to close the loopholes to traffickers who seek to exploit our transportation system for their personal – and illegal – gain.

If you notice someone that is exhibiting any of these red flags, your phone call may save a life:

  •  Lack of knowledge about their community or whereabouts
  •  Not in control of own identification documents (ID/passport)
  •  Restricted or controlled communication — not allowed to speak
  •  Demeanor: fear, anxiety, depression, submissive, tense, nervous

To call in a tip, call 1-888-3737-888 (US) or 1-800-222-TIPS (Canada).

It’s helpful for law enforcement to have actionable information such as:

  •  Descriptions of cars (make, model, color, license plate number, etc.) and people (height, weight, hair color, eye color, age,     etc.)
  •  Take a picture if you can
  •  Specific times and dates of the event in question
  •  Addresses and locations where suspicious activity took place

We greatly appreciate your willingness to keep our transportation system safe for everyone. Together, we can make a difference.

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