Maintaining a Healthy Heart and Mind: Tips From American Heart Association

We’re celebrating American heart month with American Heart Association’s Life is Why™ campaign in our stores and are excited to join the fight against heart disease and stroke during American heart month.

Maintaining healthy habits are important to your mental and physical health.  We reached out to American Heart Association to see what tips they have on setting yourself up for success by focusing on your overall health and wellbeing.

Tips from American Heart Association:

Feeling overwhelmed and not getting enough quality ZZZs?  These days it seems we are all struggling with varying degrees of increased stress and less sleep, which can take a toll on our mental and physical health and wellbeing.

Check out these tips from the American Heart Association to get back on track with healthy habits and better sleep.

1. Slow down

Plan ahead and allow enough time to avoid rushing and be more mindful as you go about your day.

2. Snooze more

Try to get seven to nine hours of sleep each night. Move your phone to another room to charge it or use the “do not disturb” feature.

3. Let worry go

The world won’t end if a few things fall off of your plate.  Give yourself a break and just breathe.

4. Laugh it up

Laughter makes us feel good. Don’t be afraid to laugh out loud, even when you’re alone.

5. Get connected

Make time to truly connect with friends or family. Spend quality time with your furry friends and pets.

6. Get organized

Use “to do” lists to help you focus on your most important tasks and break big projects into achievable steps.

7. Practice gratitude and giving back

Volunteer or spend time helping out a friend or loved one.  Begin and end each day focusing on what you are thankful for.

8. Be active every day

Exercise can relieve mental and physical tension.  Take a walk, practice yoga or just get moving. Find activities you enjoy and will stick with it.

9. Give up bad habits

Too much alcohol, tobacco, or caffeine can increase blood pressure.  Cut back or quit to decrease anxiety.

10. Lean into things you can change

Make time to learn a new skill, work towards a goal, or to love and help others.


To learn more healthy living tips from American Heart Association, visit

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