Heroes on the Road: Pilot Drivers, Daniel and Taylor – Driven By You

Heroes on the Road: Pilot Drivers, Daniel and Taylor

As our month long National Truck Driver Appreciation Week celebration comes to a close, we can’t help but think about the millions of men and women who are pioneers of the road.

Every driver plays an essential role in keeping America moving. Their hard work and dedication to the trucking industry and to keeping our country going, does not go unappreciated, which is why we spend the entire month of September to thank and recognize these road warriors for all that they do.

We are very fortunate to have many incredible Clean, Crude and DEF drivers who work tirelessly to fuel our stores and our communities. From delivering fuel to areas affected by hurricanes to bearing all kinds of weather to gather oil from remote areas and everything else in between, our drivers go above and beyond to take care of our guests.

To show our appreciation, we sent our drivers a wallet, face masks, and a thank you card in a Pilot Company package to thank them for their continued hard work.

Here are two of our awesome drivers who are fueling life’s journeys:

Daniel, Lead Driver

Daniel started work with us in 1980, one week before his 21st birthday. He was trained by his father, Jim, who was one of Pilot’s first two drivers. Jim worked for Pilot almost 42 years before retiring in 2013. “I’m proud to have been here for 40 years. PFJ is at the top of the list to work for and I don’t regret one minute,” said Daniel.

Daniel, who began his career with us driving Peterbilt trucks, had expressed the he would like to be able to retire driving a Peterbilt, as well. His RTM, David, made this happen. On his 40th anniversary, David surprised Daniel with a new Peterbilt to drive. “That meant everything to me to receive the Peterbilt and it was great from everybody involved to make it happen.”


Taylor, Crude Driver
Taylor is one of our Leads and always practices safety first. He is a great leader and sets the example for his team. “Safety is always first and foremost for me. What’s the point of trying to do otherwise? My life and what I do every day is not just for me, it’s for my family,” said Taylor.

While loading crude, Taylor was approached by their safety personnel and was thanked for following all safety policies and procedures. As he was testing the oil, their rep said, “Thank you for hooking up your vent hose and putting your chock blocks out. I really appreciate your attention to safety.”  He was then handed a safety coin.

We’d like to thank our drivers and all other professional drivers who are keeping our country moving.

To learn more about being a Pilot Company driver and to view current openings to join our team, visit https://jobs.pilotflyingj.com/drivers.

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