Healthy Road Trips


If you’ve been following our blog for a while you likely know that my family loves road trips. What we like even better is the opportunity to make our road trips healthy by eating well because we feel better, aren’t as tired, and avoid packing on the dreaded vacation weight. Of course, it’s often easier said than done. Usually my husband Jeff and I will pack a cooler full of healthy snacks and lunches for the first day or two but then after that our healthy eating plans fall apart. One of the main reasons is convenience stores aren’t exactly known for healthy foods. Preservative-packed bags of processed foods are usually the extent of road trip snack options with the exception of maybe an overly salted trail mix or bag of nuts. That is, until now. Pilot and Flying J Travel Centers know this and have been striving to fill their shelves and coolers with healthy food options. I was invited to partake in the #PFJTravelWell campaign to discover and share the bounty of healthy options now offered and my family was rather impressed. I mean really impressed.

To read the rest of Beth’s post, click here:

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