Get Ready for Brake Safety Week with Our Truck Care Team – Driven By You

Get Ready for Brake Safety Week with Our Truck Care Team

CVSA’s Brake Safety Week is right around the corner and our Pilot Flying J Truck Care Team wants to make sure you’re prepared.

Next week, officials will be on the road looking for vehicles that have out-of-service brake violations. While the distance a truck can travel between brake services is going to vary depending on individual driving habits, it’s best to have the brakes inspected and maintained frequently.

Now through August 31, receive a free visual brake inspection at any of our Pilot Flying J Truck Care Service Centers.

What should you be checking for to make sure your brakes are safe? Our Truck Care Team broke it down for us:

Brake Linings: Brake linings are often the first part of the brake system that need replacement. Linings must not be loose or soaked with oil or grease, and should be replaced if wearing thin below ¼ of an inch.

Hoses: Monitor your air hoses connected to the brake areas to ensure they are free from air leaks and to check if any wear issues are occurring from hoses rubbing.

Replace Brake Shoes Consistently: Brake shoes come with replacement indicators warning drivers when they are near or at wear minimums. The best practice is to replace brake shoes at the same time on the same axle.

Brake Chambers: Visually inspect air chambers to ensure they are not damaged, hanging loose, or have broken push rods.

Monitor Air Dryers Frequently: It’s important to protect your truck’s air system from contamination.  The air dryer collects and removes solid, liquid, and aerosol contaminants—such as water and oil—before they enter the air brake system and jeopardize efficient truck operation.

Grease Slack Adjusters and S-Cams: Proper lubrication extends the life of your slack adjusters and S cams.

By checking on these things, you will keep yourself, your truck and everyone on the road safe. Learn more about the services our truck care team offers in Vehicle Service Pros recent article, Extensive Service Networks to Improve Vehicle Uptime. 

To find a Truck Care location near you, or to quickly call for assistance, download the Pilot Flying J app today. For more information about our Truck Care services, call (888) 997- 1034 or visit our website.

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