Eat Fresh, Lose Big: Discovering the Three Families of Food – Driven By You

Eat Fresh, Lose Big: Discovering the Three Families of Food

In Which “Food Family” Do You Belng? Our Health Champion Pete Thomas breaks down “Food Families:”


Most of us fall into one of three “Food Families.” No one really knows why we relate to food as we do; some of it is a result of genetics, but I believe a lot of it is how we were raised as well. For example, I grew up transient, and was in and out of foster homes due to my mother’s struggle with mental illness. When I was living with my mother, we experienced homelessness on more than one occasion. At other times, I would literally eat nothing but fast food for weeks on end, until my mother’s money ran out. Then we would go without food for periods in which she convinced me we were fasting for religious reasons.

As a result of my upbringing, I never looked at food in its correct light, as fuel. The amount of food I eat has always been foremost in my mind. That puts me solidly in the “More Food Family.” If you belong to this family and you want to lose weight, you’ll have to learn my principle of “Modification Not Starvation” so that you can reduce your calories without reducing the amount of food you consume.

If you don’t need that incredible volume of food, but you need each bite to be a taste experience, you probably belong to the “More Flavor” family. Or if you simply see food as a means to accomplish your daily activities, you’re probably one of the lucky “Food is Fuel” family members.

No matter which food family we belong to, we can modify our diet by incorporating more fresh produce to take the place of the processed substances we call “food” in this country. I tell people that the closer you can get to the way God made it, the healthier it is! Meal planning will be key if we’re going to eat healthier on a daily basis.

To properly plan a meal, I use the Three F’s as a guide. Every meal I have a Fluid, a Filler and a Feast. A Fluid is just that, something liquid. A Filler will consist of soups, salads, and vegetables that will add bulk to our stomachs and help fill us up without adding a lot of calories. The Feast is the actual main dish that I look forward to eating. Because I look to enjoy the Feast, I try to save calories on all the other dishes.

Until next time, I look forward to helping you reach your goals. Together, we make a great team.

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